Channel: Esoteric Survey
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Oakland / Art


Ruth Asawa

Robert Arneson

Ruth Asawa and John Kapel

Kay Sekimachi

Lucien Labaudt (attributed to - yeah like 1st Dibs)

KEM Weber

Eames, Noguchi and Falkenstein

Claire Falkenstein

Peter Voulkos

John McCracken

Larry Bell

Ed Ruscha

What's this?

The JB Blunk jungle gym

Party's over. 
The Planet, 1969 

Computer / Design / Nerds


IBM 2401s

Apparently, the Eames liked the look of the IBM 2401s too. 
This is a card from the Eames Computer House of Cards from the IBM Pavilion at the 1970 World’s Fair in Osaka, Japan

IBM showroom, pre- and post- Eliot Noyes

IBM logos by Paul Rand

Eames chair at IBM

More Eames but not IBM this time

Wall of computer nerd buttons

I have my own nerd button -- a Paul Rand design for IBM. The image is from the IBM Pavilion at the 1964 World's Fair.
As mentioned in previous posts, Eliot Noyes was instrumental in getting Paul Rand and the Eames Office involved with IBM.
More about IBM and the 1964 World's Fair can be found here.  

Speaking of Noyes, this non-IBM computer utilized a Noyes-designed IBM Selectric in its design.

 Squee, the robot squirrel, by Edmund Berkeley, 1951 

Prototype mouse (replica), 1964. Douglas Carl Engelbart, the inventor of the mouse, passed away last week
More about Engelbart here.

This Honeywell computer for the kitchen was listed at $10K in the 1969 Neimen-Marcus catalog.
In addition to storing recipes, there was a built-in cutting board. None were sold through the catalog, 
though handful were sold through other venues.  


Commodore PET

There was an Apple II in the Computer History Museum collection, but no Apple 1.

I wonder if they bought the Apple 1 that sold at Christie's earlier this week for $387K?
Source: Christie's

NeXt was a computer company co-founded by Steve Jobs in the late 1980s. 
Paul Rand was paid $100K for his work on the NeXT logo.  That was a big number back then.
In 1993, Steve Jobs was interviewed about working with Paul Rand. 
Jobs said: “I asked him if he would come up with a few options, and he said, ‘No, I will solve your problem 
for you and you will pay me. And you don’t have to use the solution. If you want options, go talk to other people.’”
You can watch the entire video here.
Steven Heller also wrote a piece on the NeXT logo for Print.

Naughty / Knoll

There's something sort of naughty about this listing for a womb chair on eBay

...so exposed and vulnerable

Not a care in the world..

Come on now!

Yeah, they did it anyway

Fulton Mall / Before & After

Before: Fulton Street

After: Fulton Mall, 1965
Some people in Fresno would like to go back to the before picture. More about that, here.

Guarantee Fountain by Stan Bitters

Waterless fountain today 

Jan de Swart Clock Tower

Claire Falkenstein fountain

Claire Falkenstein fountain today- gone.
More about that, here.

Stan Bitters fountain in 1965

The Fulton Mall is still very much in danger. 
There is a group of people in Fresno who would rather have the city invest resources 
into ripping the pedestrian mall and art out, over investing in proper maintenance and
restoration of this important landmark.  

Keep up with the preservation efforts at Save the Fulton Mall

Related posts here, here, here and here

All black and white photos are from Arts & Architecture

Gerard's / Alexander Girard

I was digging around in the Reform Gallery archives this weekend and came across this announcement for 
the opening of Alexander Girard's studio on Fisher Rd. in Grossee Pointe, Michigan. 
It's not for sale -- I tried.

Gerard O'Brien has put together an incredible library at Reform.  The LA Times even did a story about it, here.

 This is just incredible

More Girard flyers from Fisher Rd
Source: ALEXANDER GIRARD by Todd Oldham & Kiera Coffee

The Fisher Rd space
Source: ALEXANDER GIRARD by Todd Oldham & Kiera Coffee

More here

Weekend / Stuff

Eames LTR

Just the way I like 'em

Eames House of Cards by Tigrett

La Gardo Tackett studio

Tackett fishies

Grapevine / CA Clay

Nagle - The amazing iridescent glaze on this piece was not captured by my awful cell phone picture.
It's pretty incredible.

It's part of Grapevine, at the David Kordansky Gallery
Magdalena Suarez Frimkess, Michael Frimkess, John Mason, Ron Nagle, Peter Shire
Curated by Ricky Swallow

Nagle, Mason, Shire and Frimkess were all there at the opening.
This is not to be missed.



Make sure to check out the back room for some big time old clay.

Peter Voukos

Billy Al Bengston

Ken Price

Herman Miller / WHY

Irving Harper designs for Herman Miller

These are from an entry at WHY, a new blog-like offering from Herman Miller. 

Source: WHY

Source: WHY

Source: WHY

Tackett / Thursday

La Gardo Tackett and his creatures
If you find any of these, please send them my way. They seemed to have wandered off.

Ando / Malibu

I was finally able to check out the new Tadao Ando project in Malibu.
The last time I was there it was still under construction- here.

I wonder why the utility lines haven't been undergrounded yet?  
I Photoshoped them out on the first image above.  
Wires hanging in front of my new Ando house would be driving me nuts!

More on Ando here& here

Weekend / Stuff

The flea market this weekend was sort of a bust. All the good stuff must of been in this seller's van.
I guess getting skunked at the flea is better than having your ride catch on fire--poor guy.

The weekend wasn't a total loss -- I picked up a nice little stack of books.
The Paul Laszlo ASID book has been on my list for quite a while.

 Paul Laszlo bomb shelter 

 Complete with a Chemex set up.

Euro / Trash

"Coat Hook by Osvaldo Borsani"
Source: 1stDibs

It's really an IKEA product from the mid-90s called the Mina.
 Who knew Borsani would go so well with your Billy bookcase?

I emailed the dealer with the listing above a couple weeks ago to let them know, but heard nothing back.

Image: IKEAFANS - Yep, that's a real website.

"Hirondelle side table by Jean Royere"

Source: 1stDibs

Did you know that Royere designed a fish tank too?
I've actually seen these fish tanks a number of times at flea markets. No wonder the tables always have new tops.

For some real Royere see this great post on You Have Been Here Sometime

Image: eBay

I feel a little bad about doing posts like this. I know some dealers aren't intentionally trying to deceive people
and probably are just going off what they've seen other people list things as. Then again, i think there is also this idea of not wanting 
to rock the boat in terms of going against common misattributions, even when they know better.   

More misinformation here and here.

Tackett / Thursday

La Gardo Tackett / China
Source: Thanks Anthony!

La Gardo Tackett


Victor / Smith

Roland Smith

An Exhibition for Modern Living, 1949

Marvin / Gary


The Landing at Reform

Opening reception: Thursday, Aug. 1st, 7-9:30 PM
On display: Aug. 1st - Sept. 14th

Gary Knox Bennett

Weekend / Stuff

The Kaufmann "Desert House" / Richard Neutra, 1946

The Alexander "House of Tomorrow" / William Krisel, 1960
This is also known as the Elvis and Priscilla Presley Honeymoon House

The Miller House / Richard Neutra, 1937

Martha Longenecker ceramic bowl

Barney Reid enamel


All I need now is a boulder going through the wall.

Frey House II / Albert Frey, 1964

Tackett / Thursday


La Gardo Tackett on serving coffee

Good Times

Design / The Dowel

The simple wood dowel has been part of some great design.

The ergonomic dowel
Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen prototype, c.1938
Source: Eerro Saarinen: Furniture for Everyman -- A great book if you don't have it.

The prototype dowel
Harry Bertoia, c.1940
Source: Wright

The dowel chair
Maurice Martine

The dowel legs
Eames for Herman Miller

The dowel table
Katavalos, Littel, and Kelley for Laverne
Source: Laverne Furniture, Textiles & Wallcoverings 

The dowel bench
Stanley Young for Glenn of California
Source: Modern Furnishings for the Home

The dowel shelf
Greta Grossman
Source: LAMA

The craftsman dowel
George Nakashima, 1978
Source: Phillips

Iron / International

Poul Kjaerholm, Denmark

Grete Jalk, Denmark

Carl Aubock, Austria
Carl Aubock, Austria

I.A.I. Design Division, Japan

Isamu Kenmochi, Japan

Renato Angeli, Ico Parisi and Gianni Saibene, Italy

Dennis Lennon, UK

Ettore Sottsass, Italy

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